About the Presenter:

Dave VanVickle is a nationally recognized authority on the Catholic theology of spiritual warfare. His focus is to bring sound orthodox catholic theological teaching to the topics of spiritual warfare, deliverance, exorcism and demonology. Dave has many years of experience assisting Priests around the country in their ministries of exorcism. He has been featured on EWTN, Catholic Radio and is a popular speaker, lecturer and retreat leader. Dave is completely committed to faithfulness to the Magisterium of the Church and deeply concerned with the evangelization and re-evangelization of God's people.
About the Events:
The Catholic Truth About Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Exorcisms and Hauntings... is a highly evangelistic talk on the theology and practice of exorcism in the Roman Catholic Church. It was created for three reasons: First, to correct the flawed ideas and feelings about Exorcism and Demons; second, to answer the questions your parishioners have about this often mysterious topic; third, that while it may not seem so, the theology and pastoral practice of exorcism is an excellent lens through which to understand truths about the Priesthood, Sacraments, Grace, Redemption and The Holy Catholic Church. This presentation will inspire your parishioners to engage in the spiritual battle by growing in holiness.
The Rest of Her Children...Marian event is a follow up talk to the Catholic Truth About Angels, Demons, Ghosts, Exorcisms and Hauntings. It is an effort to educate Catholics in understanding spiritual warfare in a Catholic way. Our Lady plays an important role in the Catholic theology of spiritual warfare and a central role in the battle between the Dark and the Light that we witness in the Scriptures. This talk will show how important it is to have a thoroughly Catholic understanding of spiritual warfare. Your parishioners will fall more deeply in Love with the Blessed Mother, but even more importantly, learn how to trust in Her motherly care in all our spiritual battles.